Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Not much to post today. Been really busy at work. So that keeps the old mind from fixating on things.

But I have had some horrible feelings of being a "dead baby" incubator lately. Harsh I know.. But that is the words that come to mind.

I am still toying with the idea looking up the abortion cocktail pills. Although I have heard horror stories about them. But after all everyone makes stories about miscarriage and birth to sound scary, surreal, and exagerated a bit.. Why is that? Are we looking for some sort of award, my experience was way worse than yours or something?

I guess after going through so many variations of miscarriages, that yeah, some were pretty gripping, but then others were mild. Don't get me wrong, not exactly a party or something I would sign up for, but in retrospect, there was nothing about them that was horror story worthy. Nope. No movie material.

I think it has a lot to do with emotions, time, and how our mind processes events.

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