Friday, July 17, 2009

Refusal to consent to a CS Child Neglect!

Ok, so found this while trolling the OB.NET board..

Very interesting...

A case where good old DYFUS (NJ for ya...) claimed child neglect because laboring mom refused a cesarean! Took her child away! This is the opinon notes from the court hearings...

I can't go into the whole thing, but here are some bits I found refreshing!

The decision to undergo an invasive procedure such as a c-section belongs uniquely to the prospective mother after consultation with her physicians. To allow such a decision to factor into potential charges of abuse or neglect requires a prospective mother to subjugate her personal decision to a governmental agency's statutory interpretation creating a scenario that was neither contemplated nor incorporated within the four corners of the relevant statutory language. Her decision on matters as critical as this invasive procedure must be made without interference or threat. V.M.'s decision to forego a c-section had no place in these proceedings.

Follow that up with:

As the hospital records reflect, V.M. was "combative," "uncooperative," "erratic," "noncompliant," "irrational" and "inappropriate." She ordered the attending obstetrician to leave the room, did not allow the obstetrician to perform an ultrasound examination, told a nurse that "no one [was] going to touch [her] baby," refused to continuously wear the face mask that provided her with oxygen and would not remain still in order to allow for fetal heart monitoring and the administering of an epidural.

So how is that child abuse? It is not!

Our birth climate is so messed up! Women should not be afraid of legal consequences, of child protection services taking their children away because they refuse a cesarean!

In this case, even though the OB's claimed the baby was in distress, and mom was putting baby's life in danger, upon vaginal delivery, the baby was FINE! So how was the baby in so much danger to not show a mark after delivery? Because there was no danger!

So tired of defensive medicine. Tired of women being scared into submission. What will it take to wake things up?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More fear, more lies....

So I was directed to a blog, and I went there. Probably not a good idea, but hey, I did. And read about this woman's attempt at a VBAC that ended up a CBAC. And she was told she had a thin spot, not because of how the OB stitched her he told her, but how HER body healed. (more blame mom's crappy body psycho shventa).

But the thing that kills me the most is the last line, (although her entire theme ires me, which I will address second).

The most important thing is that your baby arrives safely, no matter how it gets here...

AAAKKKK!!!!!!! WTF!!!! Disposable mom story here! Nothing kills me more than to find out if my baby survived and I did not that is ok, because SAFE BABY! This statement just reeks of ignorance, of someone who is not deep of thought. It might seem cavalier, to be that self sacrificing, but it is just ignorant. There is much more to birth and to one's physical healt!

On to the second item, the idea that continuous monitoring in a hospital will PREVENT a bad outcome! Since when? How many people have been in a hospital, hooked up to a monitor and told that their c/s was emergent, and sat around for hours. Not only that, but others have blogged about this topic, and it's false sense of security. When things go bad, they go bad quick, most of the time there is NO time to prep for surgery, equip the OR, get all staff assembled, and then not to mention incision to extraction time.

Sigh... Just more lies. In the end, I hope this poster, uses her protective cocoon of lies to make herself feel better. But STOP spreading the bullshit to others.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More stress....

Well, today I had my 13w5d appointment with one of the midwives. Decided since it will be one of the last appt's DH will be able to attend without having to loose work time, we should bring DD to hear the Baby's heartbeat. Sounds like a good idea right? We told DD that there was a baby in mommy's tummy and she has been pretty cool with it. Trying to tickle baby, etc. We decided to tell her around 12 weeks because we were tired of trying to tell her to stop playing jungle gym on mommy's tummy for no good reason.

So the appt was at 9:00, and of course we were running late as usual. Had to take two cars so DH could take DD to daycare, and I could go to work without loosing out on tons of time. And it was raining.

We get there and they put us in the smallest room ever. The nurse was ok, but very dry. She did the weight (same as last time, so no gain yet!), BP (117/74), and urine dip (clean). And then we waited for the MW. DD was off the wall, and just wanted to sit on my lap the entire time. Would not sit with DH.

MW came in and introduced herself. We had a breif chat about DD birth and my plans to not schedule a repeat C/S. She sounded encouraging, but kept asking if I had discussed all of this with Dr. P. Which I have.

Then all hell broke loose. She tried finding the HB with a hand held doppler. After an excrutiating 10+ minutes of her pressing the transcever into my tender flesh trying to find the HB. We heard mine a lot, but no baby. At this point DH pretty much stared at me and tuned out. I could see he was shutting down. I was trying not to panick. I have been in these sort of situations so many times, I just start to compartmentalize. I focus on breathing, happy place, etc.

The now nervous MW told me she would go check to see if the US machine was available and get me in right now. She walked out. DH exclaimed "What the heck could have gone wrong! We just had a US at 11w5d that was fine!" at this time I shushed him, because a LOT can go wrong at any time.

DD picked up on the stress and was standing next to me, her hand on my belly. Then she calmly tells me. "Mommy, I wish I had a pair of binoculars, so I could look through your belly and see the baby." I just hugged her and told her me too.

So MW comes back and tells me US tech is available, and for me to wait here for them to come get me. DH at this point, as white as a sheet, tells me he does not know if he want's to go in there with DD.

By the time US tech fetches us, DH decides he will go in, but not happy, only there for me. So him and DD take up the seat next to me. US tech tries some small talk, talks about the us gel, etc. And when she puts the probe down low, all we see is bladder. That is where the MW was hunting around, in my bladder. After the US tech moved the probe up about three inches, closer to about an inch or two under my belly button (not on my c/s scar) there was itty bitty bean (IBB). Moving around like it was on some sort of race! I first saw IBB thrash out with an arm, and knew if there was movement, there was a HB. Sure enough HB was within normal limits, and IBB was moving all over the place, kicking, punching, stretching, rolling from front to back, side to side. Having a grand old time in there. The US tech had a hard time locking the doppler for a HB onto IBB because it kept on moving back and forth out of the beam. But it was there.

So in the end, left with a strip of images, but DH was still locked in a shell. I could not get him out of it. I had to go talk to the billing department, about what my insurance covered, etc. and he took DD out to his car to start his way to her school. He still did not look good.

I called him on my way and asked if he was OK. He told me "NO". I asked if he wanted to talk about it, and he told me, "No, not really". I tried getting him to talk. Finally all he stated was "why does this keep happening! Why is it always the same thing!". I tried to remind him that yeah, I was stressed to poo and beyond myself, but the outcome was good. IBB is still there! IBB is still moving along! I don't think I convinced him or made him feel any better.

It has been such a war zone emotionally goign through everything we have gone through, and it just seems like it does not end up. I really think DH has suffered PTSD along with me after DD's ordeal and all of our losses. But it is so hard to get him to open up, to talk about it. He told me he has been having nightmares of being chased by aliens or monsters, and always feeling like something bad is right around the corner. Too many times it has been. I wish I could make him feel better, I wish I could help him work through his fears, and maybe have some hope, to find something to cling to.

So, a long day, and it is not even over...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pit to Distress

Found a link about "Pit to Distress" on Blog, and started doing a bit of digging around, and found this article published today in The Pittsburg Post-gazette. The original article was posted in 2006. But some interesting things in there.

Pardon the fact that I do not know how to make pretty little links.. but here is the link..

Some things I like in this article:

"Emergencies are rare events in labor and delivery, so it's hard to keep your skills up," says Annie Herlik, Kaiser Permanente director of national risk management.

Wow, really? That is not what OB's lead you to believe, that home birth or birth center births are like playing Roulette with you and your babies life! That you Need OB's. That you could not possibly deliver a baby without their intervention.

Oxytocin is a hormone released during labor that causes contractions of the uterus. The most common brand name is Pitocin, which is a synthetic version. It's often used to speed or jump-start labor, but if the contractions become too strong and frequent, the uterus becomes "hyperstimulated," which may cause tearing and slow the supply of blood and oxygen to the fetus. Though there are no precise statistics on its use, IHI says reviews of medical-malpractice claims show oxytocin is involved in more than 50 percent of situations leading to birth trauma.

Another smack head! Pit is not the same as natural labor! Never will be! The article goes on to say:

"Pitocin is used like candy in the OB world, and that's one of the reasons for medical and legal risk," says Carla Provost, assistant vice president at Baystate, who notes that in many hospitals it is common practice to "pit to distress" -- or use the maximum dose of Pitocin to stimulate contractions.

AAAKKKK! Candy? Passing it out like there is no risk involved at all! "Oh, you are not dialated, not in labor, that is ok, we will just pump your uterus like a bellows with Pit till 1) your uterus explodes 2) baby propells spontaniously out of you 3) we deem you 'can't handle' it and cut the baby out"

Why oh why do women who spend fortunes on books, massage, bradley classes or others, and plan their births allow this to happen! Why are women going in in droves to 'be induced' What is wrong with the whole picture!

Brings me back to the Sheeple reason. Women just follow the bell, Mom, sister, cousin, friend, co-worker, put in your own label here, was induced and it was all just fine! So I will be too!

Gag me! just because someone you know has not been unfortunate does not mean that you should subscribe to the same dangerous path! Yet that is what happens daily!