Friday, February 4, 2011

OB care... Or lack therof

Ok, so this is a rant post. But here it goes... So I am now 11 weeks with a happy healthy bean (as of my 10w5d us at the RE's office). I had an appointment with my new OB group, but had to reschedule due to more snow...

So I call up, and they tell me "well these kinds of appointments are only offered on certain days" I ask 'what do you mean?' She replies "well you will ONLY see a OB nurse and have your blood drawn"

I was a bit beyond pissed. So I get to pay my full freaking co pay to have a nurse do a screening for genetic problems talk (already sent me the form for me to check off what nationality I am, etc.) and to scare me into all the pregnancy tests they can think of. Then check my blood to see "if" I am pregnant!

PHFFFFT. I have to take time off of work for a waste of time. My RE has tested my blood thank you... And well, yes, it is positive. Hey, did you notice the three ultrasound reports sent to your office all showing a baby????

I hate "the birth pipeline"... I just wish I did not need Metformin, and that I could just step away from this crap.

Monday, January 17, 2011

8wk2D Ultrasound

Had my 8w2d ultrasound. I went alone since DH had to get into work early so he could be home by 18:15 so I could attend the Conscious Sedation Induction assistant training. Sounds weird, but really it is just a bunch of stuff Paramedics can do to paralyze a conscious patient so you can pass an endotrachea tube.

Ok, back to my original theme... The ultrasound was good. Baby measuring 8w2d and a HB of 180bmp. :) So all is good so far!

I must say that I have had so many trans-vaginal ultrasound exams that I can lie there, with the technician "doing her thing" and talk about just about anything. Weather, jobs, kids... It did strike me as odd later when I had some time alone that used to instill panic and fear has become something as routine as brushing my teeth. Having a stranger move a trans-vaginal ultrasound probe around inside me as I sit there and chat. Sort of disturbing to think about....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blood glucose meters

ARGH!!!! So since I am scared s-less of the big GDM diagnosis and the implications on how care free my pregnancy will be, I have been monitoring my sugars with a home meter. Today I decided to research the "accuracy" of home monitors.

And argh! This is one article I found...

The part that makes me want to kick my old NJ OB and PITA Nurse is this paragraph...
bG (blood glucose) meters are not as accurate as the readings you get from
them imply. For example, you might think that 108 means 108 mg/dl, not 107 or
109. But in fact all meters made for home use have at least a 10-15% error
under ideal conditions. Thus you should interpret "108" as "probably between
100 and 120". (Similar considerations apply if you measure in units of
mmol/L.) This is a random error and will not be consistent from one
determination to the next. You cannot expect to get exactly the same reading
from two checks done one after the other, nor from two meters using the same
blood sample.

WTF!!!! That makes a big difference in how pain in the arse nurses deal with your 2 hour post prandial numbers. If I was "under 120" they were happy. But if the number was 122 or 125 they would go ape... Based on this article, and what I know about accuracy, the stress they put me under was more than the capability of the monitor!

So that makes me question on the big deal of monitoring during pregnancy? I mean maybe if your post prandial numbers are like 200... But honestly if you do not have a big problem, monitoring may cause more stress than be beneficial!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Brewer Diet

Ok, So I have heard wonderful things about the Brewer diet during pregnancy. So I looked it up again. I was using this page

And all I have to say is... HOLY COW! I could not eat that much IF I wanted too! I mean honestly! I would love to follow this, but don't know if I could.

First Look

Well today we had our first look. It was a "go, no-go" moment...

I was able to get to the office first since DH dropped the kids off at daycare for me so I would be on time. I asked to wait till he arrived. So they brought me back in and I had to change and sit there waiting for him. Started to get that panicky feeling. The builing pressure in your chest. And then the door opened.


DH was so stoic, he was going on and on about "if this does not work, it is for the best, things were just not meant to be, and it will be ok, we will be ok..." I just squeezed his hand.

The nurse and the tech came in and started the exam. I stared at the ceiling... Not wanting to know.

And then the tech turns the monitor towards us and states "See the flicker. That is the heartbeat" And I finally take a breath.

One healthy little bean, 6wks5days and 153bpm. :) LOVE at first blurry picture!

So we go back in two weeks for an 8 week ultrasound, and then a 10 week ultrasound before being cleared from our RE's office. Similar to what we did with DD#2.

Seems we are picking up speed on this rollercoaster!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Bloodwork...

Well had my first blood draw done today. 63,000 at 6wk4days. So I am clinically pregnant. :)

My wonderful RE's office scheduled my first ultrasound tomorrow AM at 7:30. Will be our "go or no-go" ultrasound. There should be a HB and good things tomorrow. If not... Well we know where this rollercoaster is going.

But thinking positive thoughts and sending lots of "mommy loves you" vibes to Maybe Baby.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Big deal...

So I have been hesitant to call my OB or RE's office. I wanted to enjoy the holidays without worry or repeat serial HcG readings, etc.

I called my OB's office today, and their response was "see you in a couple of weeks". I was like WTF??? I have a history of multiple losses! I ask if there is any way I could get in for early monitoring. Had to wait for a nurse to call me back. I explain that this is pregnancy #8, and would like some additional HcG and ultrasounds in the beginning. Her response was well, I will let Dr. B. know, but we will see you in two weeks. So I told her "If you cannot accomodate my needs I do have an RE who I will go to if you will not do the early monitoring". She replies with "I am sure Dr. B. will be able to accomodate you". They were supposed to call me back with Dr. B's recomendations.. They never did.

Called my RE's office and they will have me in tomorrow AM. Big fat blow farts to the health profession that cannot meet the psychological need of a mother who has had multiple losses! If they were not the only VBAC supportive practice in 60 miles, I would consider another practice.