Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes, I am silly....

So I picked up one of those POAS (pee on a stick) gender determination test kits. From the company http://www.intelligender.com.

And well, decided to give it a try. WTH right? We already kinda have an idea of what bean is. Esp since we know that we BD once, and based on when I was supposed to O was early, so based on girl swimmers (x) are longer lived, and boy swimmers (y's) swim faster but peeter out sooner (ha ha ha), the chances of us having a XX bean seems more logical.

So I followed the instructions, that make the test seem so complicated. You POAC first, and then syringe in 20mL of FMU (first morning urine for you that have not made POAS part of your habitual morning routine) into a cup containing stuff that looks like fairy dust. No kidding, it actually sparkles and has blue bits of glitter in it!??! Real scientific huh?

And then you are to swirl it gently for 10 seconds, and then NEVER touch it again. So you have to place it on a white paper towel or something. And then wait EXACTLY 10 minutes, no more no less.

So I followed the instructions and let it sit. I went down and checked the website since they were supposed to have color pictures of Boy results and Girl results. Boys were supposed to turn green, and Girls stay pee yellow.

Consulted DH and told him what I was doing. He thought I was nutzo! Because he is convinced it is a girl bean as well. But we both treked up to the bathroom and stood there staring at the floaty contents.. Like some mystic magic pot... (This is actually another thing that is not new to us, after the POAS comes the analysis, "is this two lines?" "Do you think that looks darker?" "Is it blue?" "Does that look like an evap line?" Even went as far as to have DH POAS once to verify that the test was not bad.... crazy, I know...)

And the results?


Yup. A girl bean. :)

Was not much of a supprise, but I guess one can always hold out that somehow I might actually be able to buy the mini construction boots.... On the bright side, I have a wardrobe already!

So now it is only to "confirm" with ultrasound at the 20 week appointment.

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