Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where has it gone?

Ok, so I did not want to turn this blog into a kabitz sheet, and ended up not posting much at all! Sigh. Just can't win!

Well, here I am 35 weeks 5 days and starting to get panicky... OMG it is just about over!!!! Where has the time gone?

Nothing is ready, no nursery, no clothes all cleaned and ready to go. No birth plan. Jeesh I have not even been able to get through my hypnobabies class work! Nothing packed for the hospital. No diapers.

I feel like such a slacker. Too tired to get out of my own way. Too big to even care if my toenails look like they belong on a sloth.

But yet the nesting instinct keeps on creeping in, making me feel like bad mommy of the year again. But then the exhausted, "I worked 8+ hours, and cared for a rambunctious 4 yo DD" mommy calmly states "F it all! I need a nap!"

Sigh... I guess in the end it will all work out. Somehow. Ok, where is my nappy blanket?

Friday, September 18, 2009

We have a doula

Well, after months of putting it off, and tons of research, we have decided on a Doula.

Her name is Stacie, and she is wonderful! My first meeting with her was so relaxed and comfortable, I know she will make a great addition to my birth team.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

And the US results are....

A little girl!

So the little belly monster playing summersaults has a name.. Baby Sister!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just about half way...

So I am now 18 weeks, and full of mixed emotions.

The quickening happened (hate that, reminds me of the Highlander movies! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE MCQUEEN!!!!) and that is a good thing. I love those kicks and bounces.

I have also changed shape. I have only gained about a pound and a half, if that, but seems like I have redistributed it all to the front. I swear I must be on some sci fi experiment because some mornings I wake up and go 'holy cow! That bump sure looks massive! No way it is all baby!" so I am left wondering if I have more intestines than normal, or if I just have moved up in size from a compact car spare tire to a bus tire somehow?!?

We are scheduled to go in on Wednesday for the Anatomy scan. Sort of nervous about that. We will find out if it is a turtle or a hamburger (really stoopid way of looking at ultrasound pictures, if it looks like a turtle, boy, a set of hamburger buns, a girl). We have our money on a Big Mac. LOL... DD still waffles and thinks it may be a boy some times, others it is little sister.

But with this appointment I am also supposed to do the early GD screen. I am going to try and put it off since the appointment is at 8:00 am and morning glucose challenge tests are notorious for having high values. Something I would like to avoid. I think I will claim nausia and reschedule for an afternoon!

So I am stressed and trying to process as best as possible.

I have made some contacts for a local DOULA and so far have a coulple I am interested in. They all sound so great! I also tried starting my hypnobabies CD's and so far all they do is make me fall asleep! WRUGH UOOHH. The book states that is ok, because I am still subliminally taking it all in (now that is scary huh, is this me driving it or is it all post hypnotic suggestion?) Guess I don't really care as long as I can get through birth without a 16g needle in my spine!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Refusal to consent to a CS Child Neglect!

Ok, so found this while trolling the OB.NET board..

Very interesting... http://volokh.com/posts/1247782973.shtml

A case where good old DYFUS (NJ for ya...) claimed child neglect because laboring mom refused a cesarean! Took her child away! This is the opinon notes from the court hearings...

I can't go into the whole thing, but here are some bits I found refreshing!

The decision to undergo an invasive procedure such as a c-section belongs uniquely to the prospective mother after consultation with her physicians. To allow such a decision to factor into potential charges of abuse or neglect requires a prospective mother to subjugate her personal decision to a governmental agency's statutory interpretation creating a scenario that was neither contemplated nor incorporated within the four corners of the relevant statutory language. Her decision on matters as critical as this invasive procedure must be made without interference or threat. V.M.'s decision to forego a c-section had no place in these proceedings.

Follow that up with:

As the hospital records reflect, V.M. was "combative," "uncooperative," "erratic," "noncompliant," "irrational" and "inappropriate." She ordered the attending obstetrician to leave the room, did not allow the obstetrician to perform an ultrasound examination, told a nurse that "no one [was] going to touch [her] baby," refused to continuously wear the face mask that provided her with oxygen and would not remain still in order to allow for fetal heart monitoring and the administering of an epidural.

So how is that child abuse? It is not!

Our birth climate is so messed up! Women should not be afraid of legal consequences, of child protection services taking their children away because they refuse a cesarean!

In this case, even though the OB's claimed the baby was in distress, and mom was putting baby's life in danger, upon vaginal delivery, the baby was FINE! So how was the baby in so much danger to not show a mark after delivery? Because there was no danger!

So tired of defensive medicine. Tired of women being scared into submission. What will it take to wake things up?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More fear, more lies....

So I was directed to a blog, and I went there. Probably not a good idea, but hey, I did. And read about this woman's attempt at a VBAC that ended up a CBAC. And she was told she had a thin spot, not because of how the OB stitched her he told her, but how HER body healed. (more blame mom's crappy body psycho shventa).

But the thing that kills me the most is the last line, (although her entire theme ires me, which I will address second).

The most important thing is that your baby arrives safely, no matter how it gets here...

AAAKKKK!!!!!!! WTF!!!! Disposable mom story here! Nothing kills me more than to find out if my baby survived and I did not that is ok, because SAFE BABY! This statement just reeks of ignorance, of someone who is not deep of thought. It might seem cavalier, to be that self sacrificing, but it is just ignorant. There is much more to birth and to one's physical healt!

On to the second item, the idea that continuous monitoring in a hospital will PREVENT a bad outcome! Since when? How many people have been in a hospital, hooked up to a monitor and told that their c/s was emergent, and sat around for hours. Not only that, but others have blogged about this topic, and it's false sense of security. When things go bad, they go bad quick, most of the time there is NO time to prep for surgery, equip the OR, get all staff assembled, and then not to mention incision to extraction time.

Sigh... Just more lies. In the end, I hope this poster, uses her protective cocoon of lies to make herself feel better. But STOP spreading the bullshit to others.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More stress....

Well, today I had my 13w5d appointment with one of the midwives. Decided since it will be one of the last appt's DH will be able to attend without having to loose work time, we should bring DD to hear the Baby's heartbeat. Sounds like a good idea right? We told DD that there was a baby in mommy's tummy and she has been pretty cool with it. Trying to tickle baby, etc. We decided to tell her around 12 weeks because we were tired of trying to tell her to stop playing jungle gym on mommy's tummy for no good reason.

So the appt was at 9:00, and of course we were running late as usual. Had to take two cars so DH could take DD to daycare, and I could go to work without loosing out on tons of time. And it was raining.

We get there and they put us in the smallest room ever. The nurse was ok, but very dry. She did the weight (same as last time, so no gain yet!), BP (117/74), and urine dip (clean). And then we waited for the MW. DD was off the wall, and just wanted to sit on my lap the entire time. Would not sit with DH.

MW came in and introduced herself. We had a breif chat about DD birth and my plans to not schedule a repeat C/S. She sounded encouraging, but kept asking if I had discussed all of this with Dr. P. Which I have.

Then all hell broke loose. She tried finding the HB with a hand held doppler. After an excrutiating 10+ minutes of her pressing the transcever into my tender flesh trying to find the HB. We heard mine a lot, but no baby. At this point DH pretty much stared at me and tuned out. I could see he was shutting down. I was trying not to panick. I have been in these sort of situations so many times, I just start to compartmentalize. I focus on breathing, happy place, etc.

The now nervous MW told me she would go check to see if the US machine was available and get me in right now. She walked out. DH exclaimed "What the heck could have gone wrong! We just had a US at 11w5d that was fine!" at this time I shushed him, because a LOT can go wrong at any time.

DD picked up on the stress and was standing next to me, her hand on my belly. Then she calmly tells me. "Mommy, I wish I had a pair of binoculars, so I could look through your belly and see the baby." I just hugged her and told her me too.

So MW comes back and tells me US tech is available, and for me to wait here for them to come get me. DH at this point, as white as a sheet, tells me he does not know if he want's to go in there with DD.

By the time US tech fetches us, DH decides he will go in, but not happy, only there for me. So him and DD take up the seat next to me. US tech tries some small talk, talks about the us gel, etc. And when she puts the probe down low, all we see is bladder. That is where the MW was hunting around, in my bladder. After the US tech moved the probe up about three inches, closer to about an inch or two under my belly button (not on my c/s scar) there was itty bitty bean (IBB). Moving around like it was on some sort of race! I first saw IBB thrash out with an arm, and knew if there was movement, there was a HB. Sure enough HB was within normal limits, and IBB was moving all over the place, kicking, punching, stretching, rolling from front to back, side to side. Having a grand old time in there. The US tech had a hard time locking the doppler for a HB onto IBB because it kept on moving back and forth out of the beam. But it was there.

So in the end, left with a strip of images, but DH was still locked in a shell. I could not get him out of it. I had to go talk to the billing department, about what my insurance covered, etc. and he took DD out to his car to start his way to her school. He still did not look good.

I called him on my way and asked if he was OK. He told me "NO". I asked if he wanted to talk about it, and he told me, "No, not really". I tried getting him to talk. Finally all he stated was "why does this keep happening! Why is it always the same thing!". I tried to remind him that yeah, I was stressed to poo and beyond myself, but the outcome was good. IBB is still there! IBB is still moving along! I don't think I convinced him or made him feel any better.

It has been such a war zone emotionally goign through everything we have gone through, and it just seems like it does not end up. I really think DH has suffered PTSD along with me after DD's ordeal and all of our losses. But it is so hard to get him to open up, to talk about it. He told me he has been having nightmares of being chased by aliens or monsters, and always feeling like something bad is right around the corner. Too many times it has been. I wish I could make him feel better, I wish I could help him work through his fears, and maybe have some hope, to find something to cling to.

So, a long day, and it is not even over...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pit to Distress

Found a link about "Pit to Distress" on Blog, and started doing a bit of digging around, and found this article published today in The Pittsburg Post-gazette. The original article was posted in 2006. But some interesting things in there.

Pardon the fact that I do not know how to make pretty little links.. but here is the link.. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06193/705248-114.stm

Some things I like in this article:

"Emergencies are rare events in labor and delivery, so it's hard to keep your skills up," says Annie Herlik, Kaiser Permanente director of national risk management.

Wow, really? That is not what OB's lead you to believe, that home birth or birth center births are like playing Roulette with you and your babies life! That you Need OB's. That you could not possibly deliver a baby without their intervention.

Oxytocin is a hormone released during labor that causes contractions of the uterus. The most common brand name is Pitocin, which is a synthetic version. It's often used to speed or jump-start labor, but if the contractions become too strong and frequent, the uterus becomes "hyperstimulated," which may cause tearing and slow the supply of blood and oxygen to the fetus. Though there are no precise statistics on its use, IHI says reviews of medical-malpractice claims show oxytocin is involved in more than 50 percent of situations leading to birth trauma.

Another smack head! Pit is not the same as natural labor! Never will be! The article goes on to say:

"Pitocin is used like candy in the OB world, and that's one of the reasons for medical and legal risk," says Carla Provost, assistant vice president at Baystate, who notes that in many hospitals it is common practice to "pit to distress" -- or use the maximum dose of Pitocin to stimulate contractions.

AAAKKKK! Candy? Passing it out like there is no risk involved at all! "Oh, you are not dialated, not in labor, that is ok, we will just pump your uterus like a bellows with Pit till 1) your uterus explodes 2) baby propells spontaniously out of you 3) we deem you 'can't handle' it and cut the baby out"

Why oh why do women who spend fortunes on books, massage, bradley classes or others, and plan their births allow this to happen! Why are women going in in droves to 'be induced' What is wrong with the whole picture!

Brings me back to the Sheeple reason. Women just follow the bell, Mom, sister, cousin, friend, co-worker, put in your own label here, was induced and it was all just fine! So I will be too!

Gag me! just because someone you know has not been unfortunate does not mean that you should subscribe to the same dangerous path! Yet that is what happens daily!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


11w5d and had a reassurance ultrasound done. A quick check to see if ittybitty bean is still going strong.

And yes, ittybitty is still there. HB was 160, good. And CRL measured 12w1d. So already in the 85% for size. (I know better than to let them keep this measuring stuff up, so after the 20w count the toes US, NO MORE!).

It appears so far the placenta is high and maybe a bit anterior, so looks like I won't be feeling much again... Sigh... I hate anterior placentas! I so want to feel baby flipping and flopping! Maybe this time, some how I will... But, I doubt it. I wonder why the placenta implants where it does? Why would it choose one site over the other? I did hear once that anterior placentas were more common in anteverted uterus, which is what I have... So who knows..

But overall the apt. was quick and fun, and DH had a chance to look at a screen that was not half across the room, they have one right at the foot of the bed, so I could actually see to without having to turn sideways to look out one eye. Nice little bit.

So, so far so good!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Please tell me this is because of the hormones...

I have been having the oddest dreams lately. So vivid, I wake up feeling like I actually was running in them!

So the latest installment of my early morn nightmares was actually kinda fun. I was some Klingon warior in some futuristic airport with these magnetic people movers, looked like florescent arrows on the floor (like something out of mario cart where you stepped on them and zoom!). And my job was to "take out" someone. It happened to be my ex-director from a previous job. Dressed in horrible hawaiian style shirt, bermuda shorts, panama hat and sunglasses, carrying a breifcase! So the whole dream was me running, and shooting, and acting like I was in zero G as I tried to assasinate him! The dream even took me outdoors where I was chasing down jumbo jets with my plasma gun! At one point I hopped a ride on one of those baggage carts, but it felt like I was moving in slow motion and jumped off.

Next thing I knew, I woke up, and still do not know if I got my mark... Sigh...

I am writing this one off to hot flashes, hormones and too much sci fi in my life. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes, I am silly....

So I picked up one of those POAS (pee on a stick) gender determination test kits. From the company http://www.intelligender.com.

And well, decided to give it a try. WTH right? We already kinda have an idea of what bean is. Esp since we know that we BD once, and based on when I was supposed to O was early, so based on girl swimmers (x) are longer lived, and boy swimmers (y's) swim faster but peeter out sooner (ha ha ha), the chances of us having a XX bean seems more logical.

So I followed the instructions, that make the test seem so complicated. You POAC first, and then syringe in 20mL of FMU (first morning urine for you that have not made POAS part of your habitual morning routine) into a cup containing stuff that looks like fairy dust. No kidding, it actually sparkles and has blue bits of glitter in it!??! Real scientific huh?

And then you are to swirl it gently for 10 seconds, and then NEVER touch it again. So you have to place it on a white paper towel or something. And then wait EXACTLY 10 minutes, no more no less.

So I followed the instructions and let it sit. I went down and checked the website since they were supposed to have color pictures of Boy results and Girl results. Boys were supposed to turn green, and Girls stay pee yellow.

Consulted DH and told him what I was doing. He thought I was nutzo! Because he is convinced it is a girl bean as well. But we both treked up to the bathroom and stood there staring at the floaty contents.. Like some mystic magic pot... (This is actually another thing that is not new to us, after the POAS comes the analysis, "is this two lines?" "Do you think that looks darker?" "Is it blue?" "Does that look like an evap line?" Even went as far as to have DH POAS once to verify that the test was not bad.... crazy, I know...)

And the results?


Yup. A girl bean. :)

Was not much of a supprise, but I guess one can always hold out that somehow I might actually be able to buy the mini construction boots.... On the bright side, I have a wardrobe already!

So now it is only to "confirm" with ultrasound at the 20 week appointment.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Speaking of bellies...

Well it has started. My soon to be 4 year old DD decided to bring up the discussion.

"Mommy, who's belly did you grow up in?" My response "I grew in grammie's belly".

"Whos belly did daddy grow up in?" My response "Daddy grew in Nana's belly".

Then she looked at me and askd..

"who grew in grandpa's belly?" Both DH and I calmly stated "No one. Only Mommies, and grandmas have the chance to have babies grow in their bellies". She seemed fine with that answer, but then the next one came.

"Well, how do they get out? Do they dig and dig and pop out?" At which point DH and I had to stifle a laugh (because if we laugh, she is in that delicate girl stage where she will start to cry and tell us to stop laughing at her, like we just crushed her.... btw when does that end?) and DH responded, "Mommy will tell you about that much later, ok."

That lead into Lies to Children. "Well you know how Santa clause can fit down the chimney? How it is magic, well it is magic how babies are born!". That seemed to appease her curiosity for now, and then she was off onto another subject.

Phew.... I am just not prepared for these types of conversations!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who did I just meet?

thought I would update you on my first prenatal appointment with OB/WM group. And the verdict is??!??!?? Did I really meet with an OB? Yeah, it was that amazing. I cannot believe how I feel after the appointment yesterday. I had a 4:10 appointment and did not leave the office until close to 6:00! All that time I was with the OB! The whole practice is really nice and friendly, and like I stated, from the things this OB was saying, I really did not feel like I was with an OB at all! At one point she stated "AGOG is NOT our friend" Another one was "I feel bad that medicine has gone the way it has and forces women to abandon hospitals, just to have birth options". She was just amazing. The whole practice is pro VBAC and told me that I would have to sign the scary concent form, which I told her was fine, since I already have educated myself on the risks, and wondered about the scary RCS consent form. Her response was , well VBAC risk is mom and baby, and RCS risk is all to the mom (which she added if it was done late enough so that the baby was mature).She was wonderful. Tried finding the HB with a hand held doppler, but we both knew 9 weeks is too early for that. Before she tried she asked me "are you going to be OK if we don't find it? Because if it will cause you more stress, we won't even try". I told her I was already a nervous mess due to my loss history.. We tried and could not find it. But at the end she snuck out to see who was left in the building and then had me go down to the new US machine and we checked on bean. She was so excited to see too! It was so cute, we were both just staring at bean turn to the side, roll around and move it's little arms and legs for a while. The HB was good and strong. I think it was the first time I actually came to the realisation that "THIS IS HAPPENING! I am pregnant! This one might just stick around!" It was a massive flood of positive emotions..She was completely ok with me staying on Metformin. without me having to push the point at all. She stated that she thinks it would be a great idea, and that there has been some great results with it. She even feels that I might be able to skate under the radar when it comes to GD. Since she feels that last time I was not GD at all but over managed by my OB group. We even talked about HBAC. She told me that even staying on the metformin, I probably could find a HBMW to support me if that was my choice. She told me honestly she wished that all VBAC moms were able to be comfortable in a hospital and how it sucked that hospitals have become so bad. She did state that their hospital policies were pretty liberal and I could move, eat, drink, etc at the hospital, and she hopes I would consider it. That she would love to be a part of my pregancy till the end.It was downright amazing. I am still in shock that something could be so utterly different than the past five OB groups I have seen! So I go next to meet the MW's in 4 weeks!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Busy Monday...

Well I had an 8:00 allergist appointment, where i was scolded for not comming in sooner and suffering all winter/spring with stuffy/runny nose and congestion from my allergies. I felt like a dork.. But with life so busy, and well, I just dealt with it. Annoying yes, but carrying tons of cleenex became a normal thing for me.

And this afternoon I have my first OB appointment. I am hopefull that I can have a good relationship with them, and hopefully start this journey off better than my last one. My task this AM was pulling all my paperwork out that this OB will want to see. That meant me digging through my 4" binder of medical jargon hell, trying to find what is pertinent.

It was not fun, dug up a bunch of stuff I wish I never had to live through. Most of all I hate the fact that my cesarean for DD is marked as ELECTIVE! That pisses me off. In no way did I choose just to have a cesarean because I wanted one! I hate the fact that it does not state "OB Required" Because that is what it was! OB required due to their fear! FEAR! That they could not control my birth outcome! But the sad fact of the matter is NO HUMAN can control the outcome of my pregnancies and birth! Only GOD! And last time I checked he was not making guestimates behind the ultrasound machine or weilding a scalpel to dissect me!

So, I just do not know how to handle this. I am really nerovus and know my blood pressure will probably be all wacked out.. Due to stress! Sigh...

Guess I will try and post more after the appointment. But we are going on vacation Tuesday night, so my time is limited with all the housework and packing I have to do..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gosh, ya think?!??!

Just came across this great blog called The Man Nurse ( http://mannursediaries.blogspot.com/2009/05/nearly-bleeding-to-death-from-cesarean.html ) And he had a post about a woman who prit near died from an "elective" breach cesarean.

The best part I have added below:

""""Why did she have a C-section? It was a scheduled section for breech presentation. The baby was 6 pounds; need I suggest a breech vaginal birth might have been safer? There are two things I see going on here. The first is that people have the impression that c-sections are minor surgical operations. They're not. A section is a major abdominal surgery with multiple risks. The second is that the cost-benefit decision of whether to "let" breech babies come out vaginally has been decided, probably by malpractice insurance policies, to be not worth the cost. But the risks of a breech birth are against the baby (e.g. cord compression by the descending head); the risks of a section are against the baby and mother. If nothing else, this decision presumes 1. risk to more people and 2. consent by the mother to place themselves at higher risk to eliminate one perceived risk to their baby. I don't know that this is a fair decision, and I don't think most mothers are informed that this is the choice they are being compelled by their healthcare providers to make. """"""""

Wow! that is profound! I stated the exact thing when I was coerced into an "elective" cesarean due to my projected to be macrosomic infant! What risk do I take for a percieved risk the OB fears, not only in this pregnancy, but to future pregnancies and the rest of my life?

It is not a fair decision, and women are NOT informed! But most OB's tell you a cesarean is no big deal! That today it is so safe... That it does not matter how the baby arrives! Just that the baby is gueranteed to be 100% healthy by some omipotent OB with a scalpel.

Too bad I do not consider adhesions, numbness, bladder issues, and oh, the ever to be feared exploding uterine incision to be taken lightly as the OB feels when he claims I am healthy!

A teeny update...

Well, not much to post. 8w6d today. Still exhausted and still have nausea all the time. But able to eat most of the time, and have not had any re-visitations so that is a GOOOOD thing.

Things have been going smoothly, my nervous ninny side has calmed a bit. I think it is because my life has been so darned hectick lately with the "playground project" and extra stuff that came up at work, requiring me to be in at 7:00 am instead of my usual 8:30... Makes a difference when you are draggin azz on a normal day! Poor DH has really had to pick up a lot of the house load... he grumbles a bit, but at least he is still doing it. Sometimes he makes me feel like I am being nauseous or tired on purpouse to get out of my share of the housework, but that is not the case, I just know that if I am that tired, I MUST rest. That for some reason bean wants rest...

I should have more to post tomorrow, I have my first appointment with a MW/OB group in the area. From what I have heard they are pretty decent and supportive. I guess I will find out for myself soon enough.

The whole thing I am wrasslign right now is the fact that I have been on Metformin since 2007, and feel great on it. Before I started the met, I had gained like 20 lbs in about 4 weeks and constantly felt like crap with no good reason for it. But since i am on it for PCOS, they pull me off of it cold turkey around 10 weeks. And I don't think I should stop. I had some mild sugar things going on with DD, and have read some really positive stuff about met and preventing GD, etc. Now I just have to see if I can find a healthcare provider who will lean my way.

Off to find my journal articles on met and pregnancy...

Friday, May 29, 2009


Exhausted... But at least I have an excuse now... :)

All I want to do is crawl up into bed and sleep forever!

On a productive note, I called up a place that may be a good deal for my prenatal care. They are an OB/MW group, older OB's who have weathered the VBAC climate, and seem verry supportive of women. Their c/s rate is like 16%, which is not bad in todays climate. They are associated with a decent hospital, that claims to have a VBAC ban, but has not seemed to enforce it. So my first appointment with them is next wednesday, so I will find out more then. I hope they turn out to be decent and a good choice, but only time will tell.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

7 Week Ultrasound

US today at 7:20am. Had to wait in line... Finally were taken back at 7:40 (not too bad in medical world, but when you are nervous, seems like forever...). DH did not want to look. Nurse asked us how I felt. I told her "NUMB". So they started to look around, first thing I noticed is that the sac was bigger, and there was stuff in there... :) Then I saw a flicker as she was moving around, and I had a feeling, a hope. And then yes, they confirmed that bean is measuring right on target 7w5d and had a HB of 155. To hear that on the US machine made my DH cry. I cried. It was all just so much after being numb and reserved for so long... Bean is there. Bean has a HB.. Nothing apparently wrong at this point. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we go back for our last US with the RE's group and my "graduation" appointment with the RE on June 15th......
I finally feel like I can be a little happy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Right to decide what is best...

After following the sad case of the 13 year old cancer patient who has stated he does not want chemo, and the parents being taken to court, it leaves a bunch of sour thoughts in my mind.

Some of my initial thoughts....

When to decide enough is enough? When do you accept your lot in life and decide the intervening is not the path you want? In this case chemo. Chemo is a barrel full of toxic chemicals that kill everything, good cells, bad cells, and all in between. I have known adults who choose not to do chemo even though our modern "statistics" show that it would increase their survival rate. But I am not allowed to make that choice for my child. Instead I have to sit there and watch as painful toxins are forced into an already horribly crappy existence tainted by cancer. To watch as the chemicals kill them bit by bit since "statistically" there is a good chance for remission..

Remission... Remission is not "cancer free". No Remission means that the cancer has not been detected or does not seem to be multiplying... This child will live what kind of life? Does he have a choice over the condition of his life? Does the family?

The everlasting effects of chemo. Chances are Chemo will forever change this child. It will kill his gametes, and he will never reproduce his own children. That is a good statistical probability. But who cares if he is forced to live, knowing that he will never reproduce.

And it draws me to the line of thinking about what happens every day. People have prenantal testing done, and then have the decision to terminate a life that may have all these deformities, etc. So when will that go away? When will the govornment decide that this is just illegal as well? I for one do not see that happening. How many special needs infants are abandoned within weeks of life due to the parents unable / unwilling to cope and provide for this now very expensive limited outcome existence.. Who would pick up the tab? The govornment...

What woud I do in these situations? I don't know. I for one do not want any prenatal testing, and it would be a cold hard evaluation as to how much I would put my child through...

But hey, soon I might not worry about these types of things, the govornment will mandate what I must do.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, I am obsessing again... Looking up pictures on the internet of other peoples ultrasound pictures. I just want some sort of feel good moment. Something that can take the edge off the fear I have.. And so far there has been none. Nothing that makes me feel warm and fuzzy (besides the hot flashes I am constantly having!).

I am just scared S-less to wait till next week. I know that if I rush it and go in, that chances are we will not feel any better about things. But I just hate this not being able to peek in and check on the progress of baking bean. I admit that I am a pretty bad baker for the same reasons, just can't keep the oven door closed!

I attribute that to my sicentist self. I am used to being highly observant of well controlled experiements. To which I can conclude human pregnancy does not fall into any of those catagories. And I cannot chart it, track it, measure it, at ALL!!!! And I am going mad in a slow tedious manner.

It does not help matters that the RE office of Satan, with the nurses of Hell, all have this massive pessimistic attitute when it comes to me and my conceptus that I dread even calling them. No feel good encouragement there! Seems like they did not even give me a lot of information last time, nothing more than.. "Well, we will see what the next US shows.." WTF is that!!!

I go from bouts of silent tears as I think that this might just be more heartache, and wonder how much more can one endure? I pray that this time somehow the miracle of life is an actual miracle for us.

I feel like I am stuck in some sort of emotional no-mans land. I am supposed to somehow perform my daily routines as if I am 100% on the ball. Yet my mind and soul is pulled in directions I cannot even measure on a compas. I try to go through the motions of daily life, but feel numb, feel like I am walking through a fog. My mind is preoccupied by a question I cannot answer. An answer I will not even be able to get for weeks.

How can I cope? What can I do to make the time move quicker?

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I wake up every morning, and before I can even get out of bed I pray. I pray that this angel sticks. That this time we can bring this one home. And every morning I am filled with fear. Fear that I am not nauseous enough, fear that I did not have enough pregnancy signs. Fear. Many faces, many smells, but one gut wrenching feeling.

I look into my husbands eyes and see the same thing, fear, a fear so deep, so primal that I am afraid any more pain will just cause us to crack and fall apart at the seams. I pray that this time is different. I pray that this one works.

I sometimes do not know how to deal with the moments I am not busy, how to deal with the thoughts that creep in, like forever guessing if this angel has a HB yet. If this one is strong. If this time my body is just right. Counting down the days, the moments till the next milestone ultrasound. Checking every time I use the bathroom to see if the dreaded pink or red shows up.

I live in fear, like a cloud that tries to blanket out the sun. And yet I try to have hope, hope like the sun, but the fear of wanting something so badly that it just turns to dust in your hand makes me fear hoping. So how do you deal with the times when one wonders, hopes and prays that this angel, this baby somehow, some miracle makes it?

I see my husband smile at the thoughts of another child. I see him comment how he is a good dad, and really wishes he had more children. I do too.. Yet... I see how fragile he is and wonder, if this will be the last time he ever tries. If his next step in self preservation is a vasectomy.

Living with these emotions tears me apart. Having no control but being the vessel. Hoping and praying that this Angel comes to earth.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sick, Sick and Tired

Sigh... If the morning sickness (all day nausea) is any indicator of sucess, we should be off to a good start. But heck, I feel like death warmed over!

There was a report that was advertised today about how .5mg to 1mg of ginger prevents nausea in chemo patients. I am sure I will not be the only one rushing to Walgreens to pick up a bottle on my way home!

The other thing was supposed to be sea bands. but come on, like that does not look weird in short sleevees sitting at my computer at work? "Me, no? There is nothing wrong with me."

Some say protein... Trying this Odwalla protein drink, and it is not too bad, except I forgot I am not all that crazy about the flavor of almond... Something about the smell of almond.... Hmmmm..

Well, my blog has turned into a whine session... I guess it really has not changed, crying about miscarriage, cry about sub fertility, and now cry about morning sickness... Hope the trend is not showing that I just cry about everything.... Ok, maybe I do?

Off to try and finnish this workday without re-visiting my lunch!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Ultrasound 5w6d

Had my US this AM. I have mixed feelings.. I know, most other people would be all excited, but for me, I always feel like I am waiting for the "bad news". Plus DH seemed to be reading into everything everyone said or how they looked today... Does not help.

So the US showed a correct for gestational age gestational sack, with a yolk sack in the uterus. I was expecting to see a fetal pole since I am 5 weeks 6 days, but there was none visible... US tech and nurse did not seem that concerned. Just stated that most times these early ultrasounds do not provide much reassurance... Um, yeah, they dont'. DH felt that the yolk sack looked too big, the gestational sack too small, and well, he thinks things are all bad. The nurse did not say this... So I don't know what to say.. There is nothing really that we can do, just wait for the next ultrasound on the 28th, when I will be 7 weeks 6 days. That one will be the money maker. If there is no HB then, that is that. I just don't know. I feel PG. I have tons of MS....

So who knows. I guess I am numb. I have been here so many times, and well, my feelings on it.. You just never know, there is nothing I can do anyways, besides wait and see. I do have good feelings, I am trying to stay positive, but with such a history, it is hard... So now it is just spinning my wheels till the next ultrasound...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sick.... ?!?

Well, felt off all day long... and it was not long before breakfast came back to haunt me. Yuck.. DH was so wonderful, holding my hair and trying to open all the windows he could at the same time :)

It was odd, I don't know if it was afternoon sickness or the breakfast? We have been to the restaurant many times in the past without issue, it is one of our favorites, so I just don't know.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Re-draw

Well, the numbers are back for the second draw, three days later.

1562 at 4 weeks 5 days

So the numbers are slightly more than doubling. So far so good. Nurse scheduled first ultrasound for Thursday the 14th at 7:20am. That will be our next milestone. I should be 5w6d so we "should" be able to see a HB if things are going well. So that will be my next test.

How am I feeling? Excited, nervous, hopeful. Hopeful that this one will stick.

So life goes on. I feel like we slipped by another catastrophe for now. But just wish I did not live feeling like any moment the world can crash around me. I try to focus on my world being more than just this. My world is my DD, my DH, my home, my job, my EMS fun time. That my world is full, and this is just one more thing I want in my world, desire to have in my world. And yes, my world would be better with one more.

Monday, May 4, 2009

And the number is.....

655 at 4 weeks 3 days

That is the first Beta HcG. So it is "good" in a relative term, meaning it is higher than say 50 and present. Besides that, there is nothing else to be concluded by the number.

So I go in on Wednesday morning and get the second draw. That one will tell if things are increasing or not... At this rate, the number should be around 2620. After that draw, we will schedule the US...

Feelings.... How do I feel? Ok. Not hyper crazy happy, not sad or too anxious. I just feel ok. It is a nice feeling, sort of content to keep on keeping on and not worry too much about all of this. After all what will be will be..


AAAKKKK! I am bad at waiting! Let me rephrase that, I HATE waiting! In today's society of instant just about everything, waiting seems so pointless. Always full of tension, stress, the time that my mind is occupied with half thoughts when I should be doing other things at work, etc... Instead I am staring at a bloody phone, not wanting to go to the bathroom, or re-fill my cup of water because..... I MIGHT MISS IT!

You might have extrapolated out what this is about, I had my HcG draw today. I am by LMP 4 weeks 3 days. By Ovulation, who knows.... Was not charting this time, so no precise post LH surge dating this time....

And I am waiting, the draw was done at 7:30am, and I was told by nurse beoch that I should hear the results around lunchtime... Well it is now 6 minutes to lunch, and .... nothing yet!

AAAKKK!!! WTF!!!!!!!!

Nurse Beoch also asked me if I had the records from my last miscarriage sent to them, I told her that I did not think so, they were done at _ Hospital. Her reply.... Oh, well, I will just go through your file and find them. AAAKKK... So now nurse beoch is digging through my hospital records!

Still waiting.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

The rude nurse....

Why I hate the medical profession....

So, my OB that I somewhat liked, but did not care for the fact that they were a VBAC Ban practice, left town after my surgery in Feb. So I only have my RE's office to fall back on right now. Which is how I would like it anyways, since I want to use MW's....

I do not want to have any blood work done just yet, but do want to test to see if it is rising, etc. So I called up to make an appointment for a draw on Monday morning. I get the nurse, asks what I need. I told her HPT +. She states. Oh... Well let me update your chart. Asks my LMP, April 3rd. She then replies, "well we will get you in on Monday AM, so you can have the results that afternoon"

She then continues with "Well lets just hope this turns out better than last time" WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya think you could be any more cynical and beastly???? WTF!!!!!!!!!!

I am surrounded by realism. I know what the odds are that this one will "Be OK" but bejeesus, do I have to be constantly reminded of that? If people are worried about me "getting my hopes up" give me a break.... I have not done that since, well like pregnancy #1! And I am now on pregnancy #7! (with only one live child!!!!!)

I just wish I did not have to call these creaps up and deal with this crap they dish out... But living in PoDunk, with not many options for Dr's without a drive, this is what you get....

In reality, I did not want to go back to these people, but was not looking seriously for another RE group since we were not "TTC". So did not expect to need them again... I don't have an OB group I like either, so it leaves me with this option for now... Sucks...

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, DH was beyond belief when I pulled out the HPT. He thought I pulled a fast one on him, with an old stick....

He just shook his head in disbelief, a massive S.E.G. on his face... Which was followed up with "well if I knew we were going to try this cycle, I would have had more SEX!!!!"

His next statement was "But we only BD once!!!!" Followed up with "This sort of thing happens to other people not US!"

Yeah, not us... It has been months of charting, temping, RE appointments, and massive amounts of timed BD in order to get a BFP. We were told we were SUB-Fertile!

But here we are, second cycle after my loss, and not even trying!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Unexpected....

Ok, I know people tell you this all the time... {when you stop caring too much, that is when it happens}.

Well, I just don't know. I know I have sort of given up TTC, I know I really felt resigned that Maddie will be an only. I even started looking at other things to keep me busy since building my family was a loosing battle. So I went through the process to get my NH EMT license (used to have a NJ license) and joined the local Fire/EMS/Rescue department. I have PLANS! I am going to ride the ambulance, I am possibly going to get certified for fire! I have started planning on all the gardens we will work on, Maddie's play set, a vacation with inlaws in June...

And that nagging feeling "POAS, POAS, POAS," kept creaping in.... AF is not late, heck it is not due for another day or two... But...

I POAS'ed.......

And, my morning foggy eyes, looked down, and stated {hell, must be an old strip, that looks like an evap line!}. But after two minutes, the line was not a faint yellow streak, it was a bright flaming pink line! I did the pink line laugh "ha ha haaa haaaaaa haaahaahaaa". And DH had already left for class....

So here I am living with the knowledge that that "feeling" I had was a "feeling" afterall.

I am happy, scared, and well, just don't know what to think!

This is just the begining again, and the road is long, but I grasp the moment of "HOLY COW!!!!!" for now! I love the supprise! I love the "we were not even trying!" Those are like statements that 'other' women use... Not me! But now it is me! We had an 'accident' and I am PG!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!

From what I can tell, I think I O'ed around Easter. So that makes an Easter baby who has a rough arrival date of late december, early January... A christmas baby... Is there any irony in this?!? I gave up, I quit, I threw my hands up and accepted my lot in life, just to have another chance...

Pray for me, pray for us, that this time, somehow nothing goes so tragically wrong! I need to stay positive...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is it about Syracuse?

Well, went back to my "roots" for my nephews first birthday from April 22 to the 26th. It was nice to see family, and to hold the "chunk". He is 1 and weighs 25 lbs!!!! My DD will be four in July and only weights 34lbs!

But what was odd, is I kept getting this feeling to POAS? This feeling like, well, a feeling.. I have not remembered having a feeling like this.. Sort of like this knowing... This gut feeling... Odd. I am not due for AF for about a week...

It is funny because last pregnancy I POAS in syracuse, and got a BFP...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sex but no Sex...

Well, DH and I have had an interesting relationship this month. Feel like we are back in college, and he is scared to well, you know....

Did not stop us from having some fun though..

I know he was keeping a mental tally of what cycle day it was each time and making a risk calculation on the fly...

But I think I O'ed early.... That might just throw everything off...

Monday, April 6, 2009

The discussion...

Well, had the "talk" with DH about TTC this cycle. He was hesitant, well, more like "No thank you"... And he confessed that he was scared. That he does not want to go through more losses. I agreed, I do not want to go through more losses either! Yet, I am not ready to give up.

So, no BBT temping this month, no "trying".

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well here I am, just about at the end of the first "official" cycle post surgery/miscarriage. And the thoughts have already started creeping in....

My DD, my only is going to be 4 in July, and well, she is a strong willed, lovely little girl, but not my baby anymore... Rarely do I get the moments where I can snuggle her and run my finger down her soft cheek and watch her sleep.. More and more it is replaced with independance that flares up wanting to rule the world.....

I keep having dreams of babies, big cheeked, cherub like babies, with puffy little pink lips... WTF?!?!?!? I deam of pg bellies, of wanting to have one... wanting to feel something alive inside me again....

And then I have nightmares, or reality mares, however you want to look at them, where I never have another child... I go on having painful loss after loss, surgery after surgery.... And finally exhausted, I give up... I quit....

I just don't know....

Our economic situation has not changed, DH is still unemployed, with no "leads" to speak of, yet I think of children? I know the reality that I am getting older, and well, there will be a point where my desire to have another child will just be a pipe dream... But how can I pull myself together to risk adding more financial strain to our world? How can I risk more pain, more dissapointment? I just don't know....

But I do know.... I've got those baby wanting blues......

Monday, March 9, 2009

And Aunt Flo is in the house!

Wow, it is so strange, my feelings about AF this time.. Not the first time i felt this way either...

It seems when I am TTC, each time AF makes her visit, I get dissapointed, depressed, and feel like a failure. That another month of my ticking clock has gone by, with yet more dissapointment and no hope of a baby.

Yet I find myself relieved and somehow uplifted when AF arrives after a loss. Yes, some days the bleeding is a reminder of the loss I had, a painful reminder that I am bleeding instead of growing bigger and waiting to feel my bean wiggle...

But the other emotions that come into play are there as well!

The feeling like the waiting for things to become a new "normal" has come to fruition. That my body has healed itself and continued the cycle of life. That I am not broken, that the miscarriage with or without surgery did not damage me beyond repair. That somehow I bleed again.. My body starting fresh all over, a new womb environment.

It also carries with it an optomisim that yes, these past months sucked, but does not mean the next will repeat that theme. Sort of a spring cleaning of body and mind.

I have also updated my ticker, because it is true, I feel like I am moving on, a new cycle, the completion of my miscarriage. My body has moved on, now I just have to make sure my mind moves with it!

So, now if I could just tell AF to lay off the cramps, I would enjoy this moment a bit more!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thinking again...

Ok, So I was thinking again, something that I do often.. :)

So if this loss was a chromosomal disorder, and quite probably an isolated "bad egg" then what? Where my other losses the same cause? I call into question my wanting to have natural mc's and not find out.. Yes, monday morning quarterbacking, etc.. But now I wonder? But would it have made a difference? I do not know. Both DH and I were Karyotyped, which should have ruled out any chromosome disorder in either of us.. So.. Have I had multiple MC's for various reasons? All unrelated? All just bad luck (ok, if you believe in luck) ? I just don't know... I do not know what to say.. I do not know what to think..

It does bring into question my feelings of "broken". I have been carrying around the stigma from my first MW who told me quite frankly "you just have a bad womb environment" (which pissed the shventa out of me for reasons I won't digress here). I held onto that and let it feed my self loathing. My frustration with my "dysfunctional" body..

But know I wonder? Especially since my last OB told me that even though previous med pros called my first losses due to "low progesterone" she highly doubts that due to the presentation. None of my three losses that lasted the longest had any spotting before realizing that the baby was not viable. She seems to think it was more that the progesterone was low because the baby was not healthy. (First loss never saw HB at 7 or 9 weeks, but had fetal pole, yolk sack of a 6wk pg. Second loss, no HB at 7 weeks, HB seen at 8.5 weeks, fetal pole measured small, yolk sack measured unusually large, spotted at 10 weeks w/ confirmed fetal loss). I had no chromosome testing done on those pregnancies..

And then there is this pregnancy, an early loss, so early that not even a fetal pole or yolk sack developed, but my "bad womb" held onto it! My body nurtured this failed life without sign of deficiency! Take that! Maybe I am not as broken as I made myself out to be!

Now it is not a great victory, but a step a step on the path of coming to terms with the lot I have been handed.. And I still do not know why these babies were not quite right. So I question my eggs. I have gone from bad "womb" to bad egg... LOL...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Lies, damn lies..

So, here I am trying to move forward, and things keep coming up that just knock me down. So the latest was the itemized hospital bill. And that was an eye opener. There were things on there that just did not make sense. Sutures, Tissue Culture, Skin Biopsy, and some other little ones...

So WTF?!? Sutures would be used if there was a laceration to the cervix from their damned toothed tanaculum, or from instruments cutting it. But the OB's surgical reports state nothing on the subject.?!?

Skin Biopsy? What? That was listed as $861 some odd dollars, and completely does not lign up with having a D&E! There was a seprate charge for the "level 4 microscapy examination" worth $210. And then the genetic analysis was there for $1221.00 So what Biopsy?!?! Skin? Where? What the F?!??!

Of course I can't call the OB's office, since OB is no longer there. So what then? I called the Hospital and the billing woman had no clue, but told me she would look into it.

So yet again, here I am left with the feeling of WHAT THE F HAPPENED TO ME!!!! DH feels that they are "just padding the bill" but I am left with the WTF moment! He was not the unconsious one, with someone sticking metal bits up inside! He is not the one that cannot easily check to see if everything is fine! It is my body, my frustration!

So we had "words" and a cold shoulder night. I truly feel that most people have no way of understanding what it is like, to have moments of your life just missing, to have to trust people you have not a single reason to trust!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My face in that of others...

I am reading a book where the main character has isues with hospitals. She sees herself in the faces of the people there. I can relate. Never put it to words, yet I feel that dread, that feeling as if I will be in that position. And already in my life I have played the role of helpless patient. It is a feeling that haunts you. To have your life completely out of your control. To face ones own mortality. That tody may be the last, or even worse, that this may be the last day of your life as you know it. To leave damaged. Each surgery leaves it's mark on ones phisical and psychological self. Scars may be little, or not even visible on the outside, but they are there, forever a change, forever altering. Phisiologically, it leaves holes in your life. Moments of time that you will never remember. Taken from you as the anesthesia consumes you. Time when you are unable to control the most primitive functions of being human. Time when you are laid bare, no way to protect yourself. No doubt the trauma to the psychological self can easilty outweigh the body damage. Yet has this been addressed? Does anyone care?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well, the results are in.

First off, the results were XX. So my August 09 baby would have been a little girl.

And the results. Again, just like the rest of my life... ambiguous.

They found a structure abnormality with chromosome #5. I was told that "they have never seen this before, and don't know what to say. That it was not a trisomy, but abnormal structure. That they "think" it was an isolated problem but asked if we have been karyotyped."

Yes we were Karyotyped without any "abnormalities" in 2004.

So OB's office does not know what to say. They feel that no genetic counseling is requried, since they do not know what to make of the results. That it is not an obvious seen before problem.

So how does that make me feel? I do not know.. I feel like I am left with partial information. What the hell is a structural abnormality? The Nurse could not answer those questions.

I looked up chromosome 5 abnormalities, and not a whole hell of a lot out there. But I did see that there are cases where chromasome 5 sometimes breaks and then re-forms into a circular structure, which is a fatal error.

I also did read about a disorder called le Crie-du-Chat syndrome, where children born with abnormal chromasome 5 have all these physical and mental problems, the name is french for the characteristic newborn cry that sounds like a cat screaming... Wonderful image...

So I do not know what to think. I am still glad that this was the last picture of the puzzle for this whole event, and now moving forward is a bit easier without anything looming over my head. But as for the meaning, or if I can make meaning out of it... Well, I can't. I don't know what to think. I will be getting my medical records, so hopefully I will be able to dig a bit more out of the actual report, but I bet not..

In the end, what does this mean? I have no genetic results for the previous five, so I have no way of knowing if this is a recurring error or what. It must not happen all the time, since I DO have ONE child without any obvious chromosomal issues...

So again, left with the "just keep on trying" and the "if we try enough times, statistically one will work" But how many more losses, more surgery, more bleeding, more mental misery must I endure to get that one more? I do not know.. Might be none, might be five... I just do not know...

Service? Anyone?

My OB's office service sucks!!!

I had a voice mail on my cell phone this am from a nurse at my OB's office. To call her back. First, I do not get service on my cell phone at work. So I call them back.

I get the triage nurse voice mailbox. I press 0 to get the receptionist. I get the receptionist voice mailbox. That was at 11:30am. I call again ten minutes later, receptionist finally answers, tells me she just sent the message down to the nurse, and she will call me back.

Ok, back from lunch, it is now 1:05pm. I call the OB's office, go straight to receptionist. Tell receptionist I have to change the phone number where nurse calls me since I will be at work, and cell phone does not work. She gives me nurse's voice mailbox. I leave message.. Please call work number before 2:30 since I will be away after that time at a meeting..

Now 1:35, and NOTHING.

This is how they handle life altering news!! WTF!!!! I will never deal with this office again. Ever.

So still waiting.... Anxious as all hell. I had a lunch date with DH. It was stresed filled at first. I had some crappy meetings all morning long, and then with the phone call stuff... It sucked... But as lunch went on, we laughed, joked, and reaffirmed that we are moving, moving forward.. Thank god for DH.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A day without spot!

Wow. Lets celebrate! I am actually back to wearing just a pantyliner! WOO HOO!!! And not a single spot on it! Just about 14 days post surgery. Always feels like you will be bleeding forever when you are in the midst of things.. But somehow you come out the other side, and wow, I don't have a phone book between my legs anymore!!

I honestly feel the D&C ended up being the right decision, the OB was great (wow, I know one that actually was great?!?!?, oh and did I fail to mention she left the practice for the boonies Maine last week?) and seems to have been the fastest way to recovery. She really did honor my wishes it seems and did not scrape the crap out of me, which is nice.

So where am I now? Trying to build up my strength, (thanks Floridax!) and keep going. The next few weeks will be tough with tons of EMS stuff, and travel for work, so that will keep me going..

I guess I will be posting less here, as my life starts to move to a new normal, but it has been nice to get this shventa out. I will be residing at my original blog www.octarinelife.blogspot.com but will probably continue to post any TTC journeys here. Hopefully this rollercoaster will someday bring me to the next hill, one where I can welcome the arrival of a new family member. But even if this rollercoaster has more valleys and dark tunnels (ya know the ones where you are upside down) I vow to keep riding this, eyes wide open!

Still have the results of the genetic testing to deal with, and I have requested my medical records from the surgery and my OB's office, so I am sure there will be stuff that needs to be processed there.. But...

HERE I COME LIFE, Ya have not kicked me down more than I can kick back!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Normal.. here I come!

I am finally starting to feel a little bit more like myself. I have been able to get out of bed earlier without too much complaint (hey, I never was a morning person). And find that my energy level is getting better. Still have an odd cramp here or there, but even the bleeding is more like a yellow/brown spotting.. Just have these odd left side pains, if I was not post pregnancy, post surgery, I would write them up as O pains.. Ya know, that sort of irritated insides sort of feeling.

I think the hormones are finally starting to stabilize as well, so that is nice. I still have some dark moments, but overall, I would say that for the last two days, there have been more upbeat moments.

It has been cold still, 20-30's but the sun has been out, and I have had the curtains thrown open so the light streams in, and with the daylight slowly getting longer, that seems to help as well.

Been doing some house cleaning, and that makes me feel better, nothing more brain numbing than vacuuming, and washing windows. Plus DH and I had some mommy daddy time last night after DD went to bed, the first time in a LONG LONG TIME. It was nice.. It was nice to have that part of our marriage back again. And it was just that much sweeter since it was valentines day. :) Sigh...

So I keep wrassling with the thoughts of trying again, and the self preservation of never wanting to go there again... But yet... I know sometime we will. Just trying to balance the sanity, with the fact that I am just getting older, and every month that goes by, I just get older, with all those statistics of "older moms" having more problems.. etc.. But then, common, I have already had "more" problems... WTF..

Oh well, off to find "a bag of food" for my "hungry girl" who is asking to eat a "bag of food"???

Friday, February 13, 2009

I was a good girl, right?

Some times I get mad that I was "good" when I was younger. I was one of the nerds that actually took to heart the watered down crap the biology and health teachers spewed in high school. Here it is.....

"Girls are born with all the eggs they will ever have. If you do drugs and alcohol you will damage your eggs and then there is nothing you can do! Not like boys who continuously make sperm"

And I bought that.. Hook line and sinker.. So ya know what, I was in the Straight Edge club! Was in the bible thumping, secret morning prayer group club. I did not sneak alcohol. I did not do the grass. I have never toyed with any other recreationals, because in the back of my mind I held to the belief that I have only one set! Plus I really did believe in the "I have to take care of my body because it is the only one I have" mindset.

And now that for some unknown reason I have BAD EGGS, and I am pissed about it! There is no good egg detector! There is no way to "test" to see if you have good eggs or bad eggs! No big sorter like in Willy Wonka! Nope! No F-ing way of knowing.. Untill you go to have children, and then you suffer recurrent losses!

It really makes me pissed off! I feel like if I had known that living the "prim and proper" life would still hand me a plate of green eggs, I think I would have lived more! Experimented more! After all what do I have to loose? More bad eggs?!?!?

It is just another example of thinking you are doing the right thing, and that if you live the good life you will be rewarded.. Um, raising hand here... Question... So what the F went wrong here!?!?!

The moral of the story, you can live your life and never intentionally do bad, and still get screwed over, put through the ringer, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I do not want to hear about heavenly rewards either. They do not count! I like microwave dinners and instant potatoes!


Thinking, something my DH tells me I do too much of.. Helooo, I am a scientist?!? Kinda comes with the type A personality thing too!

I don't know. I never found out a way to turn it off, would be nice, to induce this sort of mindless state, where I just do things, ya know, make a pot of coffee, take a shower, use the pot, without even thinking? Like human autopilot. I think I would sign up for that every once in a while.

There are times in life where I think it would just be best to be in autopilot. Ya know, those moments you just need to somehow live through because, well, tomorrow just HAS to be better than this! It would be nice to just go autopilot, skip a couple of days, weeks, etc, and then Voila, wow, life is all shiny happy now!

I thought of hybernation, but who would turn you so ya don't end up with bed sores? Plus I have not found out if animals actually deficate, etc. while in hybernation, but I don't think I would want to do that in my bed! The other spectrum, of not having a BM while in hybernation, could you emagine that first morning poo!??! OMG What died in your colon!!!!

Medicated autopilot... Not quite as good as hoped. Something about being a zoner, the rest of your body wants to come along for the ride! Simple things like sipping a cup of hot beverage now become some sort of dangerous gamble! So out the window with that one.

So, up to this point, there is no solution to thinking... It just happens...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Post Surgical Appointment

I had my post surgical appointment. It was pretty lame. They took my weight, and BP, which is technically by the new guidelines HTN. Ya know they (the insurance underwriters, etc.) decided a healthy adult should have a blood pressure of 112/68. Gone is the 120/80, that is now early hypertension... WTF!?!?! I love this shventa, just like I looked at my BMI on that chart, and even though I know I could stand to loose 10 lbs, in order to not be obese, I need to loose 22 lbs!!!! Come on, if ya know me, I would be a stick figgure without any muscle on me... gag!

So the appointment consisted of the OB asking me how I was doing, I explained my bleeding pattern, and told her emotionally I crashed this past weekend, she told me the hormones should be starting to level out soon, and the emotional rollercoaster should calm down. Ya think? That would be nice. She also informed me that the Pathology came back already, and everything looked (normal) which means no worry of GTD (Gestational trophoblastic desease, aka molar pregnancy, etc.). She followed that up with the detaled genetic testing will not be back for two weeks at least. So waiting on that.

Wich brings me to the big thing on my mind.... Finding out if it is XX or XY... (heck I just called it an it... AAKKK). I think I have been trying not to think of this in any hard terms, it is more like as what my favorite author writes "an anthrophormorphic personification".. In my heart and soul, it was a baby, you know the pink cheeked chubby variety? So as my angel baby, that it what I see. And well, they are genderless!!!! I never really see them in my mind without the cute little diaper on! I have had feelings in the past that my losses were boys, but that was really with the pregnancies before DD. Not after. I just do not know if I want to know..

I also do not have names for my angel babies.. They are just angel babies. Giving it a definitive sex sort of messes that up somehow. Like now I have to think of a name.. When I do not want to pollute the memory of them with a name. To me names are for the living. To me names mean more about the person, when you say "you look like a Tom" it is because the name "fits". How can I name a life I never saw {ok, except for in the angelic diapered cherub sort of image?}. Yet to name it is to make it real. But my angels are real to me without a name. To me they are more like a date.. I don't know how that started, but they just seem like a numeric rundown...

10/2003 Angel
6/2004 Angel
12/2005 Angel (DD vanishing twin)
12/2007 Angel
4/2008 Angel
12/2008 Angel

The last one is hard to give a date for... I found out that it was not viable at the beginning of January, so I feel the date of 12/2008 is fitting, however as this blog has detailed, I carried the earthly remains of this angel till the third of February. But I feel I will keep the december date.

So I dread that call. I know I will find out, because I keep my own medical records, so I will have all of this on paper. But talking about it? Ughhhh.

In the end, the OB wanted to know what I wanted to do about birth control. And I told her that even though I will by all odds go through hell again, I do not want to give up. That we will try again, someday. So she did not push the BC isue. I told her that DH and I are well aware of how it works, and I have a pretty decent handle on my fertility (thanks to TCOYF), and well, seems we are also subfertile too, so the chances of us having sex and getting an OOPS is truly pretty low...

She gave me her "hug" therapy, and told me that the front desk will have her forwarding address, so I can send her my birth announcement in the future. Somehow this woman, this OB believes I will have another birth. That is encouraging, a little bit... :)

Natural Selection

Thinking about natural selection.

Ya know, the old "nature knows when things are F-ed up so that is why you miscarry them" statements...

And I look at my DD. I looked at her this AM as she was lying there still sleepy, and came to the conclusion that for some reason my body has decided to take weeding out to the extreme! I know she is perfect, but did I have to go through three "sub optimal" rejected ones to get a perfect one? What am I doing now? Making more bad ones?

I do not understand. I don't.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, 7 DPS

Monday.. Another Monday.

So do I feel any "closure" from having surgery? Well, the feeling of waiting forever is gone.. And honestly I have been dealing with some pretty nasty emotions lately, but really feel these are due to the "hormone" crash of my body going from pseudo pregnant to bam, no more HcG for you!! HA HA HA...

The bleeding has been pretty signifigant since Friday.. I know my OB told me that since she did not scrape the shventa out of my uterine lining, bringing it down to the muscle layer (which is what they do normally and women have maybe pink spotting for a week or so, since there is NOTHING left to bleed), that I would shed the lining after the hormones dropped down like a "heavy period". Well, let me tell ya, my periods are all of three days normally, with maybe one day of dark bleeding. I have been bleeding bright red with bits for four days now.. It sucks.. I am glad she did not scrape the shit out of my uterus, since the chances of developing scar tissue is lower, but I really wish this would all go away soon.

Every trip to the bathroom is a constant reminder, the gobs of blood bring back the emotions that I must keep in check... Now there is nothing concerning, I have no fever, there is no rotten smell or anything, so I am sure there is no infection or anything like that, just that I had a D&C and a "natural" miscarriage all at the same time... LOOOVELLLY...

I am just anemic as poo, light headed half the time, and cold and chilled the rest. I feel like crap. I feel winded when I talk, and somehow I must go on, be super mom, be supportive wife, be the uber employee, and on top of that I got through 28 hours of EMT refresher over the weekend.. I am wiped..

So, that is my update for now... feel like crap, theme of my life...

What "counts"

Well, DH and I had a bit of a heated discourse last night.. I was tired as crap, anemic as all hell and crampin out big time.

Somehow I stated something about this being my sixth loss. And Rob stated, "why do you keep saying that!! This is really your third. The last two don't count, and you have Madeline".

I held it together. "What do you mean the last two {don't count?}" His reply "well they were so early, it was not much more than a late period, and well, everyone has those, heck people probably have those all the time and don't know they were pregnant, so to me they don't count".

At that point I did start to get a bit animated.. And I pulled this to question his logic.. "Well, I had a positive pregnancy test! That meant conception occured! Do you not believe life begins at conception?" And his response to me... "Well, nope, I think it really is not life for a couple of weeks, I don't know".

So now I was armed and pissed, that I carry on and mourn lives my husband does not even consider valid.. So I asked "So then by your logic women can choose to terminate these 'not quite babies' before your arbitrary lenght of gestation and that is OK with you?" I was not given an answer.

I was also pissed and stated I DO count the vanishing twin I had when I had Madeline as a loss as well. He does not. Feels that "She does not know about that" and thus somehow I must invalidate it because one survived? How do we know that she "does not know?" It is entirely possible that early on her soul touched the soul of her womb mate, even for a day or two. Who knows what that leaves behind in ones soul? How can you calculate, measure, prove, that?

I know that maybe this is his way of coping, maybe to him a total dead baby count of three is easier for him to deal with than the fact that we have had confirmed by blood tests with or without ultrasound six conception events that ended up not surviving. I think he thinks that six dead makes it "too damaging" or something.. But to me I will honor the lives I nurtured for however long they were there, six minutes, six hours, six days, six weeks, etc..


And yes, six is damaging, but by ignoring them will not make the pain go away, it will not change the fact that I went through this hell. Maybe that is it? Maybe since he was not the one to have that life within their body, that he just could never understand? I do not know.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturdy, 5 days post surgery

Well, what to write...

Yesterday was a dark day for me. I went back to work for the first time since surgery, and it was ok. Some of my co-workers knew about my situation, but they were not there, either on vacation or out sick. Others just knew I had some mystery spontanious surgery. So when I informed them it was surgery for complications due to the loss of my sixth pregnancy, I then recieved pained faces from people who were probably thinking TMI HERE!!! and then OMGWTF DO I SAY? It is so sad that our world clouds these things in such a shroud of shame, of feelings of somehow we are not supposed to talk about the pain, the hurt.

One co-worker thought I was out with the stomach bug.. When I told him that "they don't hand out Vicodin for stomach bugs" and followed it up with why I was out, I at least this time was shown a face truly tormented by pain, and not knowing what to say.

Then I had to face pregnant women... It was like I had some sort of magnet attached to me. In the lunch line to check out, across from me is the most obvious pregnant woman in the tightest shirt I had ever seen (HELLOOO it is like 6 friggin degrees up here! Why are you wearing barely anything! Put some f-ing clothes on!!!) and then the conversation with the checkout lady "WOOOWW, so not much longer now huh!" Followed by the "Five more weeks! I am so tired of this, I am so over being pregnant..." At that point I think I started to hyperventiliate, I was just about to drop my tray and run when finally I noticed the check out lady was waiting for me and oh sooo miserable sucessfully pregnant woman was out of sight..

I then sat down and was eating at our group table when others joined in. Somehow we started talking about really bad names, ya know the ones like Chauchie and stuff that just is like "whatthefuckwasyourmommathinking?" And one woman leans back to show of her rotund gravid belly, and announces "WELL that is not on our list". Again I felt a spate of hyperventiliation and heart palpations building...

LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I do not need anymore reminders! I do not want to see how miserable you are carrying a LIVE baby! Honestly I don't! What I would give to have a live baby within me.. Yet there is nothing I can give, and nothing I can pay, or no one to pay that will fix that!!!!

I was having a rough day to say the least. So finally after finding that I did not bring any of my contraband zanax to work with me, I decided to leave.

I could hardly make it home, I was a mixture of so angry I could piss fire, and then a depression so deep it felt like I was in the pit of some hellish nightmare. I could not help it I got home and cried, and cried and cried.. That was about the time the cramps picked up really bad and I started bleeding clots and dark red blood.. (Ding, here is the 3-4 days post surgery where my hormones crash and I start to shed what was left of my tattered uterine lining, just as my OB predicted would happen). I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die... Instead I tried getting a quick nap in with my Robbie Blanket.

I had to be up by 3:30 so I could get to Concord for my EMT refresher course that was running from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. The first of a three day training as part of my reciprocity for my EMT licensure.

So put the emotions behind me, got out the directions and off I went.. Just like so many other days, bundle the pain, the loss into a neat little package, and keep going...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Just keep moving...

Hi all. I am really not doing well today. And honestly do not know what to write. I have started to write on my blog on and off for the past two days, but cannot get too far into it before I start to either get so anxious it feels like my heart will explode, or so emotionally down I want to cry and tear my hair out.

As for the surgery part, it is done. OB was actually wonderful, caring and compassionate, so was the entire OR staff. The Anesthesiologist was nice, and everyone listened well to my past hell experiences and vowed to take better care of me. Overall, I was scared S-less, but managed ok. They did not "put me under" until I was in the OR on the table as requested, and I just remember falling asleep to the lights above me. There was no talking, no radio, just two nurses holding my arm, sholder. It was peaceful. I woke up in a considerable amount of pain and their motrin did nothing for it. So OB ordered me some vicodin, which helped. Ob took time to come talk to me afterwards which was nice. she told me everything went as planned, and that she only did a gentle scraping, so I may have increased bleeding in 3-4 days when my hormones drop down. And we waited a bit, and then went home. There is more too it, and I am trying to get it all down in my blog, but that is the basics..

So I went home and stayed home from work for two days, and took the vicodin for the first 24 hours and then tried weaning myself onto the motrin. Overall, the bleeding is light, and the pain is there, more of a dull reminder of the hell I have gone through more than anything else.

It is just the emotional side of things. I do not know if it the combonation of the loss, the buildup of the fear of surgery, the sudden changing in my hormones or what, but I am a mess. I do not want to be alone.. I hate having time to "think".. My OB told me that when the testing is done, they will call me with the chromasomal analysis results, and I will know if it was XX, or XY.. I think that set me over the edge...

I even though surgery was less traumatizing, I am left with emotional hell, I still have thoughts about my cervix being "damaged" and have nightmares while awake and sleeping of the actual proceedure (none of which I was awake for, so it is just my tormented mind replaying the cold textbook facts). I just do not know how to get it to stop!!! I feel like crying and then the pain comes again for some unknown reason..

I am left not knowing what I want to do.. I am not in a good place to consider the future right now, but part of me is broken. Feeling like I have now lost six babies out of six pregnancies, and have only one live child.. Feeling like I am broken even when I am broken, requiring two D&C's to end pregnancies that my body would not let go of. A c/s for the one pregnancy that did survivie... Why? I want more children, but I do not know what to do? I have no path forward. We have used an RE who has no answers, and lost three pregnancies with her. I have used traditional chineese medicine and acupuncture, just to loose that one too.. I have no more roadmaps for the future. I have no more battle plans.. I am at a loss. I have no tools to save myself from more pain and suffering..

SO that is where I am, dealing with the emotional aftermath of loss and surgery. NOt a good place, and despirately trying to find some way to climb out of there..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, here I am post-op, so I will try to write down all the events of Feburary 3rd.

I did not get much sleep, Madeline was sick all night long and required constant love and attention. She was a bit febrile and with her stuffy head was having a bad night.

We got off to a late start in the morning, and things were a bit rushed. Rob took care of Maddie and getting her ready for school. I hopped into a shower to get cleaned up and ready to go.

We pulled the car seat out of Rob's car to leave at the daycare so if my friend had to pick up Madeline, she could. We dropped Maddie off at school which was just down the road from the hospital. I hugged her and told her I loved her and I would see her soon. She had no idea that I was not going to work today.

Rob was being a good guy, but really needed a cup of coffee. So we stopped at D&D. I was driving and told him to spare me the suffering of having nothing to eat or drink since 6:00pm the night before, so he went in without me. We drove up to the hospital, I was listening to "Grandmother Moon" one last time.. {Find me, guide me, stand beside me}. We parked on the top deck of the parking garage. And made our slow walk to the hospital. It was starting to flurry out. Light flakes of pure white.. I wanted to stop and just put my hand out, to feel the snow on my hand. I am so numb inside..

We had to go through the physicians office building and then all the way across to the main hospital building. My surgery was to be done in the Inpatient surgical center. We arrived at around 12:30 or so, so a bit early for my 1:00 appointment. We registered and I filled out my living will and advanced directives. The patient liason nurse came out to tell us that they were running a bit behind, but I should only be about a half an hour later than scheduled. I was a nervous mess. I was trying to read Rob's trains magazine. They announced a Code Blue somewhere... Rob asks what that means... CPR in progress.. And then about three minutes later, they call and cancel the code.. So I could not help it... I announce "I ain't dead yet!" In my best monty python bring out your dead voice... Rob hits me.. Rob decides to call my firend and tell her to pick up madeline since we will be running late.

Soon another nurse comes out to get me. I don't want to stand.. I want to run. I hold out my hand to Rob. They tell me they need to prep me and they will go out and get him so he can then sit with me until I go in for surgery. I hug him and walk in with the nurse. I go to the bathroom and they weigh me in. They ask me my name, birthday, and why I am here.

I go back to a pre-op room where I take everything off except my "johnny" as they call the skimpy thing that shows off my ugly ass. I am given a pair of socks to wear at least. The nurse comes back in and starts asking all the typical questions, alergies, last time I ate, etc. Takes my temperature, puts the blood pressure cuff on me and gets a pulse ox reading. She also puts on a set of compression devices on my legs and hooks them up to an air pump. I hate the itchy plastic, the uncomfortable squeezing like a cheap massage..

Another nurse comes in, she will be with me pre- and post op she states. Another woman comes in and starts slapping the shit out of my left hand. Cleaning it with at least two diffrent cold solutions. Then she sticks my hand in two places with some sort of lidocane solution and it burns like hell. I start to cry. I can't help it. I do not want to be here! I do not want more pain! They finally dig around and put the IV catheter in my hand, trying to sooth me by saying "now, it is only a peice of plastic in there now" LIKE THAT MAKES IT F_ING BETTER SOMEHOW? It should not be there at all! They pump up the flowrate and it feels like someone is pushing ice cubes up my arm. The nurse informs me that they will be giving me a pre-surgical antibiotic, and an anti-inflamatory so that it will help with the "cramps" I will feel afterwards. I wanted to scream "Cramps my ass! Try getting kicked between the legs and then having an elephant stomp on your stomach!"

I told the nurses about my horrible past experiences, where I was treated like crap, where I was told I would not be intubated and woke up coughing up blood clots, bruised from ear to ear and told I was "fighting them".. They seemed like they were horrified that I was treated that way. That they would not treat me like that. I told them I was terrified, and that I suffered PTSD after my previous surgeries. The nurse told me that they would give me something to calm me down once the Anesthesiologist saw me, and that it had amnesia inducing meds in it, and all would be better. I panicked then. I told her I did not want it. That big black holes in my memory is what gives me the worst PTSD. She told me to tell the Anestesiologist that.

Waiting was forever. Rob came back and sat with me. I tried finding something on TV to watch, but nothing good was on. I was watching the news and the headline "woman has kidney removed through vagina" comes on.. I exclaimed, Oh wow! Yet one more thing they can f around with our vagina for! Woo hoo! Can't they stay the heck out of there!!!

Seemed that we were waiting forever. The nurse started the antibiotic in the IV and adds the "anti-inflamatory". Soon I hear Dr. O outside the curtain. She is talking to someone and then her and the anesthesiologist comes in. He tells me that he has heard from all the nurses, and Dr. O about how bad my previous experiences were. They ask me to confirm why I am here. I remark " I am here for the merry maid service, a vaccume and sweep, with hopefully better service". At this Dr. O cringes, but the Anesthesiologist laughs and tells us a story about his seeing Merry maids in a small car, smoking like chimneys and driving like maniacs.. So we both agree to stay away from Merry Maids... I am truly tired of saying why I am here. Each time I have to come face to face with it. A D&E! I know they have to ask me so I do not go home with an amputated leg or anything, but still... I hate having to say it!!!!

Dr. O tells me things will be alright, and that she will come out and talk to me at the end. And then she dissapears. The Anesthesiologist asks about my previous experience. I tell him about my D&C, where I woke up choking on blood clots, and bruised from ear to ear. He asks what teaching hospital I was at. "Princeton Medical Center". He tells me that was unacceptable, and he will make sure I am completely asleep. That there is no need for me to worry about fighting them or anything, that I was not given enough medicaiton, and what they did was wrong.. I tell him about the Anesthesiologist at my DD's cesarean, when he exclaims "I did it on the first try!" again the Anesthesiologist is horrified and asked what univeristy hospital that was.. "Robert Wood Johnson".. He then remarks it was a good thing I got out of NJ because they were butchers down there!!! No Shit! Years of PTSD from that crap!

He seems really nice, and takes time to talk about himself, and how he is from Staten Island, and went to school in Ithaca, and spent lots of time up in Rochester. DH and I told him we went to school in Rochester. He was calming, and soothing. I took comfort that he would be there with me.

So a little bit more waiting, and soon the OR nurse came in, introduced herself to me and stated she would be with me through the whole thing in the OR. On went my beautiful hairnet. Unplugged my snazzy air stockings and the Nurse told me they would be giving me the meds to make me forget now. I told them no. not yet. I held Robbies hand and kissed him goodbye. On the way to the OR Dr. O stopped me, I had to sign one more sheet of paper. She looked all worried about it, and I knew what she had to explain. She started by saying, "after they do the testing, they need to know..." and I replied " I know, I have heard the cold medical language before, I am used to the callous medical world. The products of conception can be disposed as medical biohazardous waste." The nurse pats my hand and replies "well, we are not all that callous". I signed the paper..

I was wheeled into the OR, and asked to move over onto the operating table. They made sure my gown was not under me. I had to lign my ass up with the crack in the table where they would take down the bed. I was given another warm blanket as they placed the EKG leads on my chest. I was told they were giving me the medication now. I asked if they were going to tie my arms down, and they told me after I was asleep. They folded my arms up under the blankets on my chest. I had one nurse holding my right shoulder, and one holding my left. Another nurse put what felt like a 30LB weight belt across my stomach. I looked up into the numerous bright lights, with my glasses still on, and closed my eyes.

I woke up lygin on my back, moving. I moaned out, I HURT! I HURT! Then that was followed by " IAM WET!!! Wet!" as the nurses were busy around me, hooking up the compression stockings again, and my IV had come loose, the IV fluids were running down my arm. I curled up into a ball on my left side, as the nurse took off the O2 mask. My hands pushed into my stomach. I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach, and my left hip felt like it was pulled out of the socket. The nurse announced she was giving more pain medication, and I closed my eyes again.

I woke up to the nurse at the foot of my bed having a conversation with another nurse about signing some paperwork from two days ago. They were discussing whether or not she should sign it. After one walked away, I started talking to the nurse about why she should not back date documentation. I explained how the FDA looks at GMP documentation, and why if something was missed and caught upon review, that it must be documented as such, and that it can be explained that the action being documented was completed as documented, but signed at a later date. We had a breif conversation about this, with her talking about high error rates, etc. And then I just looked at her and stated "Looks like I am lucid huh? sorry, I deal with GMP documentation issues all day long."

So She started getting me ready to go back over to the post surgical area so that I could be with DH. Another set of vitals, she asked if I wanted the rest of the pain meds in the syringe since she would just throw it away anyways. We both agreed that waisting pain meds is wrong, and she topped me off. It really was not anything good anyways. I asked if any of the good stuff spilled when my IV leaked. She said no.. Just saline.. Phew... That stuff in hospitals is like $200 a hit!

So off came my air pants, and it was off to the secondary recovery section. The nurses moved me into this sort of lazee boy chair and propped me up in that. Soon DH was there with me and holding my hand. They brought me some toast and a cup of coffee, which was the first thing I had eaten in over 12+ hours. Toast never tasted better! I was still having considerable pain in my belly, again the broad diffuse pain like getting kicked really hard by an elephant. Plus my hip still felt horrible on the left side. Burned like it was torqued wrong. Probably how they put me up into the stirrups while I was unconsious. Wonderful image huh...

Dr O comes in and tells me everything went as expected. That she was as minimal as possible, so to expect my recovery to be diffrent. She stated that I will have light bleeding, but in about 3-4 days, when my hormones crash, I will shed the rest of the uterine lining. So this told me she did not scrape the shit out of my uterine wall. If she had, which is the typical process, I would only have light bleeding for a short while, since there was no more tissue left to bleed in there. That made me feel better, because i was concerned with scar tissue and damage to the uterine wall. After all this is uterine surgery #3 now..

She decided to give me Vicodin since I was uncomfortable and gave me a script to bring home. She gave my DH the death ray look and explained that I was to put NOTHING in my vagina for two weeks. And that she would see me for the post op appointment. To schedule it for her last day with the practice, Feb 12th. She looked tired, and I was her last surgery for the day. She was great with coming to talk to me post surgical. Previously I never saw the doctor. They called my family in the waiting room, but never bothered to talk to ME about ME! It was really nice she took the time out to come back and talk to me.

So soon it was time to go to the bathroom, get cleaned up, pull on my pants, clothes, have DH tie up my shoes, and get ready to go home. It was like 5:30-6:00 so it was good that my friend picked up DD from daycare. By the time we stopped to get the perscription, it would be late.

As I was waiting for DH to make the long walk back to the parking garage, and then drive around to the ER entrance I was talking with my nurse. We were talking about my experience in EMS, and she about hers in nursing. We talked about how there is a lot of burnout, and a lot of crap, stress, and nasty people we deal with. But we both agreed that sometimes, there is that one event, that one person that makes it all worth while. That keeps us going even though 99% of the time it sucks. I asked for a list of the people who dealt with me so I could keep it in my records.

She wheeled me up to the ER entrance, and DH had pulled the truck around. It was sitting there running, a light coat of fresh white snow had fallen all around. We saw DH dash into the Er entrance. The nurse decided to help me into the truck since it was freezing and I only had a flannel on. After she helped me up and in, I took hold of her arm and stated " I just want you to know, that today, you did make a diffrence in my life. Thank you." and she looked as if she would cry, she replied with "thank you" and then closed the door to go find DH. I found my pillow and blanket, and put the pillow under the lap belt of my seatbelt. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to cry, to go to sleep forever.

Soon DH was back in the truck and we were on our way. We stopped for my perscription, and I also picked up some of those therma care heat wraps for PMS. Thank god.

I got home, and DD was busy watching TV, and then was clammering to see DH. So my friend helped me get my shoes and jacket off and then up into bed. I pulled on my PJ's and wrapped the heating pad around me, and passed out.

So that was that. A better story than my first time, but still shitty in essence that i had to endrue it in the first place. I feel that I was respected, listened to, and well treated. So on the scale of traumatic, I would say a 3-4.