Anyone up for a stork hunt with me?
Not as bad as previous cravings, but it is there! Thank god not as many people up here in rural counry believe in putting that ugly wooden stork with the little ballon for a newborn up on their lawns. If they did, I would have my truck fog lights on and my shotgun out!

Storks beware!
Anyone else want some salt to rub into the infertile, womb of deathwoman?
Right up there with the insensitive pro-life sign in front of the Milltown NJ Roman Catholic Church. It proclaimed:

And let me tell you there were days I wanted to drive over the curb, take out that friggin thing and then walk over to the rectory and tell the shallow minded preist who never suffered carrying a dead baby within them to pack this pole up his pious ass!
What are you saying to us who do not have a choice! I have no choice. What choice do I have besides carrying another heart that is not beating within me! You know what my choice is. A D&C. The medical abortion. Does not matter if it is viable or not. It is still in your records as an Abortion. More salt please?
So there are some of us out there that do not have the choice of life. That choice has been made for us.
weird, I left a comment earlier, but its not showing up. :-(
ReplyDeleteSorry this is such a rough process. ((hugs))
Ugh! I don't know enough about computers to find out if there is a problem! I hate missed posts!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being there Lisa..